How To Get Rid Of The New Carpet Smell? 

How To Get Rid Of The New Carpet Smell? 

Installing a new carpet can transform the look and feel of your home. But new carpets often bring a kind of smell that can be less than pleasant. Although it typically fades over time, it can linger and affect the indoor air quality of your home, particularly for those with allergies. 

But the good news is that you don’t have to wait for the smell to disappear. Here, in this blog, we will explore some effective ways to get rid of the new carpet smell, so that your home as well as the carpet smells fresh and inviting. 

What Makes The New Carpet Smell? 

Before we begin, let’s first understand what makes your new carpet smell in the first place. That new carpet smell comes from a set of chemicals known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). 

When the carpet is manufactured, these VOCs are used in certain sections of the carpet, such as backings, fibers, and paddings. So when the carpet is rolled and installed, these freshly released VOCs evaporate in the air and spread out throughout your home. This creates that ‘Unpleasant new carpet smell.’ 

While it’s quite common with most carpets, the solution to tackle that smell lies completely within your hand. So now, let’s explore some effective ways to get rid of the new carpet smell. 

Eight Smart Ways To Eliminate The New Carpet Smell

1. Ventilate The Room 

One of the simplest ways to eliminate the new carpet smell is to ventilate the carpeted area. There are several ways to do this. First, start by opening all windows and doors in your home and make sure to keep them open for a minimum of 72 hours. 

In addition, simply turn on your air conditioner or place table fans near the carpet in a position facing out towards the window or the door, as this will increase air ventilation and remove the smell more quickly. 

2. Vacuum Thoroughly 

Another simple way to get rid of the new carpet smell is to vacuum your carpet. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) released during off-gassing not only lurk in the air but can also settle on the surface of your newly purchased carpet. 

A vacuum cleaner has a strong suction that creates airflow within the carpet pile, which circulates fresh air and removes these VOCs from the carpet fibers. 

So, grab your vacuum cleaner, attach a HEPA filter, and start vacuuming the carpet thoroughly to trap and remove as many VOCs as possible.

You Can Also Read: Tips For Extending The Lifespan Of Your Carpets 

3. Invest In Potted Plants 

Potted plants are often used as decorative elements in any space. But unbeknownst to many, they can also be used to neutralize the new carpet smell. So choose potted plants like pothos or peace lilies and place them strategically near the carpeted area. 

Such plants absorb harsh chemicals as well as VOCs from the air, thanks to their leaves and roots. Basically, it’s all a part of their natural air purification ability. 

Potted plants, in addition, also contain microbes that help break down certain VOCs into less harmful substances. 

4. The Vinegar Hack 

Household solutions like vinegar are also an effective choice to deal with that unpleasant smell coming from your new carpet. Vinegar, as you may know, is mildly acidic, which helps to remove alkaline smells. 

What’s ironic is that many of the chemicals that make the new carpet smell are also alkaline, which means that vinegar, when coming into contact with these smells, can thwart them. 

So, all you have to simply do is pour white vinegar into several bowls and place them evenly around the carpeted room, allowing it (vinegar) to work its magic overnight. 

5. Sprinkle Baking Soda

Sprinkle Baking Soda

Along with vinegar, you can also choose baking soda. Baking soda has the ability to kill musty compounds, including the ones that come from your new carpet. Thus, sprinkle a good amount of baking soda on your carpet and allow it to sit overnight. The next day, vacuum it up. If the smell persists, repeat the process. 

6. Bring Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal removes odors through a process called adsorption. In adsorption, odor molecules and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) stick to the surface of the charcoal. 

Now, because activated charcoal has a high surface area and porous structure, it can trap a significant amount of these VOCs, helping remove them from the air. Hence, place loose activated charcoal granules in shallow bowls or dishes and distribute them around the room. 

Change the charcoal every couple of weeks or once you notice the odor returning, as the charcoal will eventually reach its adsorption capacity.

7. Steam Clean The Carpet

Contrary to popular perception, you can, without a doubt, steam clean your newly purchased carpet to help banish that unpleasant smell. Steam cleaning uses hot water and a detergent or commercial cleaning solution to seep deep into the carpet fibers and extract those VOCs that make your new carpet stink. 

However, facts have to say that steam cleaning a new carpet is just not recommended, especially for amateurs. Instead, professionals like SteamPro must be hired to get the task done in such cases. 

They use powerful deep-cleaning tools and top-quality solutions to steam clean your carpet and pull out those VOCs to their core, ensuring your home and carpet smell fresh and pleasant. 

8. Place Onions, Celery, And Apples 

Onions, celery, and apples. These foods have a high water content and porous structures as well, which helps them soak smells from the air. So all you have to do is cut them into halves and place them into bowls filled with water. Next, distribute them evenly around the carpet. 

Let them sit overnight so that they can absorb as much odor as possible. The next morning, discard those items and clean the bowls. This is because the longer you let them sit, the more the onion (especially) can rot and end up leaving its own smell. 

Concluding Words!

Installing a new carpet gives a thrilling vibe. But sometimes, in fact, in almost every case, newly purchased carpets often produce a kind of annoying smell that can be too unpleasant to bear. 

Fortunately, by employing a few effective methods like vacuuming, investing in potted plants, and steam cleaning the carpet, you can easily get rid of the new carpet smell and make your carpet last longer

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