End Of Tenancy Cleaning FAQ’s

Mostly Asked Question

End Of Tenancy Cleaning FAQ's

Our end of tenancy cleaning service includes a thorough cleaning of all rooms, including living areas, bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. We clean surfaces, floors, appliances (inside and out), and more to ensure the property is in excellent condition for handover.

Ensure that all personal belongings are removed, and the property is empty. Defrost any fridges or freezers and ensure that our team has clear access to all areas. The property must be vacant to receive end of tenancy cleaning as this service is designed to meet landlords’ and agency checklists. If the property is occupied after cleaning, it is unlikely to pass the inspection. Please note that if there are personal belongings or if you still reside in the property, no cleaning guarantee will be applied.

The duration of the cleaning depends on the size and condition of the property. Typically, it takes between 3 and 6 hours. For best results, we recommend providing us with at least 10 hours of access to the property.

No, our team brings all necessary cleaning materials and equipment to carry out the job efficiently.

Yes, we provide end of tenancy cleaning services throughout London, Essex and its surrounding areas. Please contact us to check availability in your specific location.

Yes, deep cleaning of the oven is included in our end of tenancy cleaning service. We also clean other appliances, such as fridges and microwaves.

Yes, our service includes vacuuming carpets and soft furnishings. For deep steam cleaning of carpets and upholstery, you can add it when booking the cleaning service.

Our team works seven days a week. However, we have limited availability on weekends, so if you need weekend cleaning, it is best to book it in advance. Our earliest start time is 7 a.m., and we can work until 8 p.m. We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs.

Yes, please defrost your fridge and freezer at least 24 hours before the cleaning appointment to ensure our team can clean them properly. Alternatively, you can add freezer defrost as an extra when booking the cleaning. If you have not booked freezer defrost and your freezer is not defrosted, we will clean it as much as possible, but no cleaning guarantee will apply to the fridge/freezer.

Exterior window cleaning is not included in our standard package, but it can be arranged as an additional service.

No, our service does not include cleaning walls or removing marks from walls. These tasks should be completed before our team arrives., but it can be arranged as an additional service.

It is rare, but if we miss an area, please contact us within 72 hours, and we will return to clean it at no additional cost

We charge per job, not by the hour. Our technicians remain on-site until the property is thoroughly cleaned. We calculate the estimated time based on the property size, however, some properties may require less time while others may require more.

No, you don’t need to be present, but you should arrange key pick-up and payment. It is helpful if you can be there to discuss specifics with the technicians when they arrive.

Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you or your landlord are not satisfied with the cleaning, we will return to re-clean the areas at no extra cost within 72 hours. Alternatively, you can extend this guarantee to 7 days when booking online.

Yes, it is preferable to arrange a parking spot for our service vehicle. If no free parking is available, the cost of parking will be added to your bill.

You can reschedule or cancel the service by contacting us at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled time may incur a fee.

Yes, we vacuum and wipe down blinds as part of our end of tenancy cleaning package.

Yes, we clean light fixtures and chandeliers if they are easily accessible. For higher or more complex fixtures, please inform us in advance.